Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Letters from Juliette

Posted by Aster di 20.04
Haaaaiiiiii. Long time no see brader and sista (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Kalo lo liat dari judul postingan ini lo pasti mikirnya, "Weh, surat dari Juliette. Pasti tragis nan romantis." Bukan, jangan berharap postingan ini bakal seperti itu karena ini bukan Juliette-nya William Shakespeare. Tapi Juliette-nya Daniel. Uwuwu (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ  ((belom apa-apa udah pasang emoji))

Jadi disini gue pengen nulis ulang apa yang pernah ditulis Elaine buat Dan, ehehe. Dimana surat ini ditujukan untuk tiga era ((buset, berasa lama)). So, this what she wrote for him: 
27 January 2012 - Lee Sungmin (Vincent) & Kwon Sohyun (Elle) 
Remember this era? Forever Elaine and Vincent/Sohyun and Sungmin. Oh! I'm Sohyun Lee because of your family name ;3 
I still remember the time you said you were jealous of a B-bomb's roleplayer. ((masa sih? gue lupa masa pernah ngerasa jealous)) You are always cute for me, sweet, happy-go-lucky, and cheerful. 
Elaine's Vincent! 
"You know, I like bakwan. So, would you be my only one?" - Vincent (a long time ago)
Daniel, thank you for existing.
Daniel, thank you for staying.
Daniel, thank you for loving me.
Daniel, thank you for accepting me.
Daniel, thank you... for breathing. 
Park Hyomin ♥  Kim Myungsoo
The end of Elaine's stupidity. 
I was born and I met you and I loved you to death.
Because I loved you with all my strength.
Whatever we do, our time spent together is more precious to me.
Take a deep breath and feel happy because this thing have ended. Phew, finally. I hope you would at least like or understand this thing. ._.
So, Happy First Monthsarry together!
Thank you for all memories and supports! Let's stay like this for a long time. ~
Tiffany Hwang Byun Baekhyun - 07082012

Dan terakhir, gue ada pickup lines favorite selama sama dia.. 
Don't be jelly, be mine. ((gue bakal meleleh, yakin dah. kalo asli ada yang ngomong begini ke gue ;;))
Who are you? | I'm yours and you are mine.

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