Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Dear Stranger

Posted by Aster di 14.09
long time haven't been posting here~

i've been in a mood-swing these days. 
Honestly, gue gak tega sama orang-orang yang ada disekitar gue. I know they're hide something from me. Gue gak tega.. buat secara langsung maksa mereka buat sama gue. 
that's mean, i've hurt them indirectly -sigh-
bukannya aku acuh atau apa, aku tauu.. tau banget. tapi aku juga bingung gimana ngomongnya ke 'kamu' 

i rather hurt my self than i have to hurt you. kay?
so please, tell me what do you want from me directly. 

gue lebih tega sama diri gue sendiri, dibandingkan sama orang lain. gue sebut ini self-defense or maybe self-sacrifice? 

i don't care, really. i just want to keep my heart save, i don't want to broke my heart because its already broken. after a long time, i fall for a stranger (again).

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